We read books and follow formulas. Many of us take online courses and attend live events. We join mastermind groups and hire coaches, shift our business models, and launch new products…
Sure, many of these are needed for business growth but why isn’t everybody succeeding if we can just check them off the list?
If you feel like you have been spinning your wheels and not getting ahead, you have probably overlooked the one most important thing that’s standing in the way of your success.
Can you guess what it is?
Your noggin!
Yup! A lot of what determines your success comes from what’s in your head!
Believe In Yourself!
I always hear people say, “I don’t have a business degree,” “I don’t have that certification or training,” or “I didn’t go to the best school”… you get the idea.
This kind of negative self-talk is what makes many beauty business owners think that they should settle for minimum pay. What you tell yourself is what determines what you do (or don’t) to grow your business.
Business is part psychology and part strategy. What goes on in our head impacts our decisions and actions. So much so that I have seriously considered going back to school to study for a psychology degree!
To overcome the negative self-talk and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from growing your business, you need to change how you think.
Where to begin?
While it’s important to do the deep personal work and upgrade your mindset, you can also take actions that will not only build momentum but also help you claim your brilliance, cultivate confidence, and get the support you need to grow your business.
How To Gain Confidence and Build Momentum For Your Beauty Business
Taking the right actions and creating tangible results are some of the best ways to mute the negative self-talk in your head!
Here are 3 things you can do right away:
Discover Your Uniqueness
There are ¼ million estheticians in the U.S. and almost all are obsessed with re-vamping their service menus. Unfortunately, many are just trying to do what everyone else is doing. And as a result, they’re drowned out by the noise.
Instead, take the time to discover the ONE thing that makes you stand out. Even though the competition is growing, keep in mind that no two estheticians are alike! Believe in yourself!
Write down what makes you unique as an individual. What experiences you have had that most people haven’t? What talents do you have that make you particularly suited to serve your market?
Maybe you grew up in a different country or speak another language. Perhaps you were raised by a single parent or had a challenging childhood that made you stronger. Maybe you changed careers and have additional resources to leverage in your business.
Write down everything that differentiates you from the competition. This might require some soul-searching but stay diligent and find out what makes you different. Then look at everything that you bring to the table and see how you can incorporate your uniqueness into your business.
Once you have discovered what makes you unique, you’ll have the confidence to step up and grow your business in a powerful way. Believe in yourself!
Build a Powerful Support Network
Don’t go at it alone. Those gremlins in our heads like to rear their ugly heads when we’re stewing in our negative self-talk with no one to give us an objective perspective or help us get out of a rut.
Many solo estheticians don’t interact with anyone other than their clients during the day. This can be a very isolating experience that causes us to withdraw and succumb to our own negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.
Seek out leaders who inspire you or people who have built successful businesses so you can learn from them. Partner with a mentor or coach to help you dig deep and stay on track. Attend training and classes that will stretch your current way of thinking. Get support from peers who will hold you accountable for taking actions when you’re scared.
Believe in yourself!
Marketing Your Esthetician Business Confidently
Many estheticians struggle with marketing but we must overcome our fears and reluctance. If you can’t confidently articulate what you do and how you do it, you create a negative feedback loop that will impact how you perceive your ability in building a successful business.
To boost your confidence and step up to own your brilliance, make sure that potential clients can find you so they can benefit from your unique talent and expertise.
There are many low-cost ways to get noticed by your community. For example, be diligent about building your contact list. Make sure you’re adding value in your marketing. Get out of your treatment room to meet people, and build strategic alliances with like-minded business owners in your community.
When you surround yourself with clients that appreciate your talent and a community that’s supportive of your business, you gain the courage to nip negative self-talk in the bud. Believe in yourself!
Want to accelerate the growth of your business, get the right support, and upgrade your mindset all at once? Join our business and marketing membership program designed exclusively for estheticians. Learn more about it here.