How to implement a no gossip policy in your spa business

How To Implement A No Gossip Policy In Your Spa Business

Do you have a no gossip policy for your spa business? Maybe you’re not sure if you need one or why you would need a no gossip policy in the first place. Has this ever happened to you? You walk into your spa first thing in the morning and hear your team members chatting and giggling. At first, you think, …

The Secret To Exceptional Productivity In Your Esthetician Business

Do you find it hard to focus or complete simple tasks in your esthetician business? What’s the secret to exceptional productivity? You want to be productive, yet you are unsure of what to zero in on each day. Say goodbye to feeling overwhelmed because you are about to become more productive in your business! As an entrepreneur and esthetician business …

Hiring Tips for Beauty Business Owners

Most beauty business owners are reluctant to expand their business because they dread the hiring process and fear managing employees. All you need are a few hiring tips to take your business to the next growth level. I failed miserably at hiring employees as a new spa owner! Until I got it right, under the pressure of my CPA and esthetician …

Improve Your Beauty Business Visibility with a Digital Marketing Strategist

Improve Your Beauty Business’s Visibility with a Digital Marketing Strategist

Prospects view your website and social media channels before making a decision to do business with you. Increasing your beauty business’s online visibility is vital to generating more leads and gaining ideal clients. Keeping up with the latest digital marketing best practices is a full-time job in and of itself. Partnering with a digital marketing strategist is the best way …

7 Tips To Move Out Of The Victim Mentality As A Beauty Business Owner

[md-blog-header] If you are caught in a victim mentality, short-term or otherwise, you could feel paralyzed making decisions and doing other important tasks in your beauty business. Discover 7 tips to help you move out of a victim mindset to having a winner mindset to feel positive and productive. To clarify the difference, a victim rarely sees a way out …

Announcing 2021 Beauty Business Summit

[md-blog-header] We were just as disappointed as you were when we rescheduled the 2020 Beauty Business Summit to October 3-4, 2021. You likely spent a great deal of time at home in the last year and now you’re ready for something big! And, we want to give you something to look forward to. You’ve earned it. Get out of the …

Why You Need the Profit First Formula in Your Beauty Business Now

[md-blog-header] We need the profit first formula now because most of us are way better at serving clients in the treatment room than we are at running our beauty business. The Profit First formula will create a positive shift in your business forever! You will look at money in a new light. Read on beauty pro! Plenty of beauty business …

Five Major Beauty Business Website Mistakes to Avoid

5 Major Beauty Business Website Mistakes To Avoid

[md-blog-header] Your website is a critical component to growing your beauty business. If your site is not converting prospects into paying clients as well as it could then this article is for you. Your potential clients search the internet for everything, including beauty services. Does your website convey a stellar first impression? Because you have about five seconds to state …

How To Create a Beauty Business Website That Converts Prospects into Clients

[md-blog-header] You may have a pretty website but does it convert prospects into paying clients for your beauty business? Your website conversion rate is where the rubber meets the road. It’s time to examine a few things if your website isn’t helping you attract ideal clients and generate sales for ultimate beauty business growth. Common Beauty Business Website Mistakes Here …