lead generation for your beauty business

Tap Into The Power Of Lead Generation To Grow Your Esthetician Business

Lead generation can help you grow your beauty business cost-effectively by turning email subscribers into clients. Attracting new clients should always be a part of your growth strategy. Use the power of lead gen and email marketing as a strategy to build relationships with your subscribers. So, how do you gain new email subscribers? You must give potential clients a …

Set Your Beauty Business Apart With SculptICE Body Treatments

[md-blog-header] We have heard from many estheticians that while some clients are still reluctant to receive facial treatments, more people are seeking body treatments. This presents a great opportunity to set yourself apart by meeting client demand with SculptIce Body Treatments.  What Is SculptICE? SculptICE is a breakthrough product that breaks down fat cells through thermogenesis. They are then removed …

Improve Your Beauty Business Visibility with a Digital Marketing Strategist

Improve Your Beauty Business’s Visibility with a Digital Marketing Strategist

Prospects view your website and social media channels before making a decision to do business with you. Increasing your beauty business’s online visibility is vital to generating more leads and gaining ideal clients. Keeping up with the latest digital marketing best practices is a full-time job in and of itself. Partnering with a digital marketing strategist is the best way …

Five Major Beauty Business Website Mistakes to Avoid

5 Major Beauty Business Website Mistakes To Avoid

[md-blog-header] Your website is a critical component to growing your beauty business. If your site is not converting prospects into paying clients as well as it could then this article is for you. Your potential clients search the internet for everything, including beauty services. Does your website convey a stellar first impression? Because you have about five seconds to state …

How To Create a Beauty Business Website That Converts Prospects into Clients

[md-blog-header] You may have a pretty website but does it convert prospects into paying clients for your beauty business? Your website conversion rate is where the rubber meets the road. It’s time to examine a few things if your website isn’t helping you attract ideal clients and generate sales for ultimate beauty business growth. Common Beauty Business Website Mistakes Here …

Why You Should Become a Specialty Esthetician

[md-blog-header] Become a more valuable esthetician by specializing in something you love. Your business can become diluted if you haven’t found your niche or specialty in your business as an esthetician. Being a generalist who “helps everyone ” is a mistake made by many estheticians. Instead, build a powerful brand that attracts your ideal clients by differentiating your business in …

How To Get Out Of The “Survival Trap” In Your Beauty Business

[md-blog-header] If you feel like this past year had you running in circles in your beauty business, you are not alone. One of my favorite authors showed us how to get out of the survival trap and move our business forward. Best-selling author, Mike Michalowicz, was our expert speaker in the Esthetician Inner Circle membership. He discussed why many beauty …

How To Overcome Fear Building Your Virtual Skincare Business

[md-blog-header] The words “virtual practice” or “virtual business” has caused a bit of fear for estheticians since COVID-19 prevented most practitioners to shift “in-person” treatments. Is it time to expand your business model and offer virtual services? Let’s take a look at some options. Many beauty business owners are wondering: Is there an end in sight to the limitations? How …

How To Boost Your Immunity and Maintain a Healthy Treatment Room

[md-blog-header] As beauty professionals, we work in close proximity with our clients. As more states are reopening and you start to see clients again, it’s important to improve your well-being, protect your immune system, and keep a healthy treatment room. I have always been a health-nut to a degree and the past few months have reminded me that we must …