Key to a Successful Beauty Business: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Around Money

[md-blog-header] You have big plans and grand ambitions for your beauty business, yet there are certain beliefs holding you back. Let’s uncover why some beauty business owners are more successful than others. Most have overcome any limiting beliefs around money. Remember when you were in esthetic school? We all learned basically the same things. I understand that some schools are …

Understanding “Cause and Effect” in Your Esthetic Business

[md-blog-header] You have probably heard about the rule of “cause and effect,” which states that for every action there’s a reaction. Let’s have a deeper understanding of how this rule affects your esthetic business and your life. Which Side of the “Cause and Effect” Equation Are You On? Being at cause means that you create the things you want in …

Spread Kindness and Holiday Cheer All Year Long

[md-blog-header] The holiday season is a time of year when most people feel like spreading love and kindness. Is it because we’re genuinely happier? That got me thinking. Wouldn’t it be nice if we spread kindness all year long? We could definitely use more love and kindness in the world these days. Spreading kindness starts with us. Each day, we …

Power of Intuition

Leverage the Power of Intuition For a More Fulfilling Life

Once in a while you get that “gut feeling…” maybe it feels like butterflies in your stomach or maybe it’s a tug in your belly. Do you think it’s nonsense and ignore it or could it be your intuition trying to get your attention to help you make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life? Do you follow your intuition? …

Start The New Year With Gratitude

“Where your attention goes your energy flows” – if you want to attract more abundance into your life, you need to train yourself to see the opportunities that are all around you. Starting the year off with gratitude makes people happier, healthier, and less stressed. As we enter a new year, I like to reflect back on the previous year …

esthetician business challenges

4 Business Challenges Faced By Estheticians and Spa Owners (and how to overcome them)

Most estheticians and spa owners fulfill their passion by seeing clients in their treatment rooms.  They also schedule additional time to manage business tasks and handle any challenges that may arise.  That means the majority of esthetician owners are working in, as well as on, their businesses. If this is you, you know how crazy things get when trying your …

How to Become an Elite Esthetician Maxine Drake Blog

How to Become An Elite Esthetician

Do you ever wonder about the daily habits successful people practice? Explore 50 daily rituals to help you become an elite esthetician. The word “elite” is not about monetary worth. Elite is more about how we go from being ordinary to extraordinary to ourselves and others. I dream about a world where we are focused on rising above the level …