The esthetician success audit is a tool to help you evaluate where you are in different areas of your life and business. The audit is like a guideline to show you where you need to improve in the six forms of wealth.
We all know that money is one form of wealth but it certainly isn’t the only measurement for success.
The Six Forms Of Wealth
There are usually six areas in life that matter most to us – I like to call it the six forms of wealth. Write down each of the following categories listed below. Rate yourself on a scale from 1-10 in each area. Honesty is key. Most of us don’t have perfect 10’s across the board, so note which areas of your life you need to nurture. Be sure to celebrate the areas where you are doing well.
1. Your Inner Being
Taking care of your inner being could include meditation or nurturing your spiritual self. Your inner being is a reflection of your daily rituals, self-esteem, your beliefs, and how you talk to yourself. Have you built your most beautiful interior life? What we accomplish on the outside is a direct reflection of who we are on the inside.
2. Your Health
Your health means everything. In order to obtain high levels of achievement, be of service to your clients and your family, having excellent health is mission-critical. Most people take their health for granted until they lose it. Take a look at your daily habits to create optimal health.
3. Family
Make sure to spend time with the people you love the most. Make time for family meals together and intellectual conversations instead of watching television. Do family activities and trips. At the end of our life, we are not thinking “I wish I would have worked more, but rather, I wish I would have loved more.”
4. Your Esthetic Career
Are you using your full talent as an esthetician? Where could you improve? Could you learn more in-depth knowledge of skin health, a new modality, or business strategy? Most estheticians are fantastic in the treatment room but fall short on business operations and strategic planning. Estheticians sign up for excellent training, courses, and events but then don’t take action. Remember, progress equals happiness.
5. Your Finances
What is your financial plan? How much revenue did you bring in last month and how do you pay yourself? Keep your eye on your financial dashboard and look at your numbers every few days. What is your net worth? You might be thinking, wow…do I really need to know that? Absolutely! Get the book, Profit First and start changing the way you look at money.
6. Your Inner Circle
The quality of the people in your circle and in your network will have a great impact on you and what do or don’t accomplish. Are you surrounding yourself with genius minds? Be sure to spend time with people who believe in you and who want you to win.
7. Fun – Adventure
Bring a sense of adventure into your life. Is there a language you have always wanted to learn or a dream vacation spot you haven’t checked off the bucket list yet? Be sure you are taking time to enjoy life. Even a weekly adventure through a nature park can recharge your being.
8. Your Legacy
Living a successful life means living a significant life. What will you leave behind? How will you be remembered? How many hearts will you touch? How many lives will you improve?
Write down one thing in each area of this list that needs improvement. Just one thing.
Success is about small daily improvements that over time eventually lead to remarkable results in your business and in your life.
Live graciously,