How To Keep Passion Alive In Your Esthetician Practice


keep passion alive in your esthetician practice maxine drake

Recent events have caused many estheticians to lose motivation and enthusiasm for their business. If you still love what you do, let’s explore ways to keep the passion alive no matter what is happening around you.

We have all needed to regroup since COVID-19. Pushing the reset button gives us time to reflect and it also gives us the clarity to look at our business from a different angle.

Take a moment to truly look at what you have created. You! It’s pretty awesome, isn’t it? Learn to step into your power.

Here are 4 quick tips to keep the passion alive in your esthetician practice:

Stay Curious

Complacency is often our number one enemy — it can kill passion and motivation. Become curious about how you can improve little things in your business to strengthen the client connection.

If you have lost your passion, what you have been doing in the past may no longer work for who you are today. It’s time to expand your awareness and examine how you do things.

Your business is a living breathing entity that evolves with you, so it’s important to allow your business to unfold as you grow.

When we are curious, we open ourselves to opportunity and growth. This curiosity may even help you establish a clearer direction for your business.

Be Open To Change

I always like to remind myself, my coaching students, and those who attend my workshops or events that “nothing fails like success.” When we are open to change, it prevents us from falling prey to complacency.

When we make a mistake, we’re quick to make adjustments. But when we are receiving praise or achieving results, we think we’re doing everything right and are less likely to be open and curious about new ways of doing things.

If it’s not broke, don’t fix it, right? I don’t think so and here’s why:

When we think that we’re successful, we’re more resistant to change. Not being open to change can kill innovation — which holds you back from incorporating new ideas or adjusting to fast-changing consumer expectations.

Challenge Yourself To Keep Passion Alive

Challenging yourself is one of the best ways to spark passion. Entering into uncharted territory helps you to step out of your comfort zone and set higher goals. Take training and certification classes to learn a new skill or implement fresh marketing methods to connect with your audience in new ways.

Consider each client a unique challenge to battle the “Groundhog Day” feeling — showing up and doing the same thing in your treatment room day in and day out. The truth is, if you stay in the moment, each client will require you to use your skills and knowledge differently.

Help your clients with their unique challenges each day to build a stronger rapport. Your passion will be rekindled.

For example, you may need to tackle one client’s mindset about purchasing retail skincare products and help another stay on track with her skin goals. Every client has a different personality that will require you to think and behave differently.

How you respond to each client either tears trust down or builds a stronger bond.

Inspire Others To Ignite Passion

Working alone in the treatment room can be isolating and make you feel stagnant. We can all use the support of a network of other beauty professionals and mentors to stay at the top of our games.

Seeking out an esthetician coach or mentoring/coaching group can help you stay motivated and discover new ideas. These positive groups can also give you new and different viewpoints on how to run your business. The positivity and inspiration will encourage you and boost your confidence!

In our Esthetician Inner Circle Coaching Group, we actively help and support one another every day. We host live training sessions to learn new ideas together and lift each other up so we can be our very best. Learn more about this unique memberships program.

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