If your beauty business has been expanding and you’ve reached a point where you need to hire freelancers to support your growth — congratulations! Vetting freelancers is part of the process and knowing what to look for makes the vetting process much easier.
However, hiring freelancers isn’t without risks. A ton of freelance virtual assistants, marketing consultants, social media managers, etc. have entered the digital space, yet very few are qualified to support a beauty business.
I hired a social media “strategist” only to discover they had zero strategy skills! I wasted a lot of money, even though I saw the red flags early on. I know…
I blew my marketing budget, wasted time and energy, and didn’t advance my business one bit. It’s embarrassing to write about this business mistake but it’s a conversation we must have because I don’t want it to happen to you.
In fact, a few esthetician clients recently had similar encounters with fraudulent freelancers so it’s time to have a discussion!
Don’t Get Caught In Shiny Object Syndrome
It’s very easy to get caught up in the shiny object syndrome when a freelancer says the right things. We are all human. I mean… who doesn’t want to achieve “Oprah status” with their social media presence?
Except, there is only one Oprah!
Many people will promise you the moon but don’t fall for it — stay vigilant when you’re looking for the right freelancers.
However, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t use freelancers at all. They can help you with social media, Facebook ads, blogging, copywriting, website design, and more, without the expense of hiring employees.
The good news is that there are great freelancers out there! You just need to know how to navigate the predators and find people who do excellent work.
How To Find the Right Freelancers To Support Your Beauty Business
Let’s make sure that you don’t waste your time and money on freelancers that aren’t qualified for the job:
Beware of Red Flags
Does the candidate have a digital presence, such as a professional website or social media profiles? What content do they post and does it showcase their competence as a professional?
Be careful if you can’t find anything about a candidate online as most established professionals take the time to set up their profiles. In particular, if you’re looking for a freelancer to help you with digital marketing and a candidate doesn’t have a digital presence… beware!
Read Reviews and Ask Questions
Thanks to the internet, it takes just a few clicks to find out if a freelancer is competent at their job. Does the freelancer you’re considering have testimonials from real people? Look for reviews on social media sites (e.g., LinkedIn,) freelancer platforms, and other online venues.
Reach out to those who have written reviews about the candidate you are considering. Ask questions, such as what their business was like before they started working with the freelancer and where they are now. Your clients read reviews and ask questions before they decide to use your services, so why shouldn’t you do so as well?
Seek Out Specialists
Each sector has its unique requirements and so does our profession. Look for a freelancer who has experience in the beauty industry — a person who understands the market, the consumer mindset, the latest trends, and technical terms.
For example, when you’re interviewing a copywriter, ask to see content that a candidate has created for other beauty businesses. If you’re seeking an SEO (search engine optimization) or PPC (pay per click) specialist, ask for reports that demonstrate the candidate’s ability to drive traffic and conversions for a similar client.
Plan Your Interview
A candidate may look good on paper but fall through when you interact directly. As such, it’s important to interview a candidate and be prepared to ask questions that’ll help you decide if this person is the right fit for the job.
Write down a list of questions before an interview to help you stay on track. Here are some of my go-to questions:
- What do you know about our company?
- What are your greatest professional strengths?
- What are your weaknesses?
- Why should I hire you?
Depending on the role, you may also ask the candidate to elaborate on their specific experience, their process, tools they use, results achieved for other clients, and logistical questions such as availability and communication plan.
Besides their interview answers, pay attention to how the candidate talks about their work. Do they demonstrate a positive attitude? Do they put their clients’ interests first? Are they willing to learn new tools and processes to get a job done right?
Using freelancers is a great way to get the help you need to grow your beauty business and we shouldn’t shy away from it. Do your due diligence to make sure that you’re vetting the candidates properly so you can find the best freelancers for the job.
Do you have experience working with freelancers and how did it go for you? Leave a comment below to share your experience.