Why You Should Become a Specialty Esthetician


why you should become a specialty estheticianBecome a more valuable esthetician by specializing in something you love. Your business can become diluted if you haven’t found your niche or specialty in your business as an esthetician.

Being a generalist who “helps everyone ” is a mistake made by many estheticians. Instead, build a powerful brand that attracts your ideal clients by differentiating your business in today’s competitive market.

Many estheticians have trimmed down their menu in the past year. This is a good thing! The downtime has given great opportunity to reflect on which area of expertise gets us excited! It also exposes which services we need to eliminate.

Take this insight to help you develop your specialty.

If you have been following my blog for a while, you may have read an article or two about discovering your niche. The process isn’t complicated in theory yet it’s one of the hardest things for estheticians to do.

I get it… It’s hard to let go of services that you’ve always done in your esthetic career. But that’s just our fear speaking. The truth is that you don’t need to be everything to everyone and your services will become more valuable to your clients when you specialize in one thing.

Do your business a favor by becoming a specialty esthetician so you can attract more ideal clients, help those clients achieve the best results, and generate more sales.

Here’s how specialization can benefit your beauty business:

Gain New Clients

Chances are that you have lost 20 to 30% of your clients in 2020. As author Mike Michalowicz pointed out in our Esthetician Inner Circle masterclass, these clients were never totally on board and the pandemic gave them an excuse to leave.

Instead of bending over backward to retain clients who aren’t the most profitable and committed, use this opportunity to clear the slate. Get new clients who seek the specialized service you’re passionate about and get paid top dollar doing what you love!

Generate More Revenue as a Speciality Esthetician

When you become a specialty esthetician, your offering is perceived as more valuable and you can charge top dollar for your services. Plus, specialization doesn’t mean you have to treat obscure conditions!

For example, I have coached many estheticians to specialize in acne treatment. Why? Acne is a problem that isn’t going away. Also, most acne clients need a series of treatments so you can create recurring revenue from repeated visits and residual income from home care product purchases.

Improve Marketing Results

Specialization gives you the focus to articulate what you do and the value you deliver. It can also strengthen your brand, build credibility, and establish leadership positioning in the marketplace to attract more clients.

Also, you’ll find it much easier to reach those who seek your service. For example, you can improve targeting for SEO and online ads so your website will show up on the right search results and your ads will be served to high-quality prospects.

Increase Cost-Efficiency

As a specialist, you’ll have a focused service menu. This allows you to invest in less equipment to minimize your expenses. Carry a streamlined selection of retail products to improve your cash flow.

Moreover, a trimmed down menu means that you can simplify your workflow and operations. This can reduce your administrative tasks so you can spend more time on income-generating activities.

But, First Thing First…

It isn’t hard to understand why specialization is beneficial to any beauty business but why are so many estheticians reluctant to take the plunge?

Fear can paralyze us. Afraid of letting go of the other services or worried that clients will leave.

I get it, this can feel scary. New doors will open when you become a specialty esthetician.

If you can overcome this mindset hurdle, your business will be in a completely different place six months from now.

Imagine generating the income you have always desired while serving the clients you have always wanted to work with! Let us help you get there!

Most of our members have become specialized estheticians. Join our Esthetician Inner Circle where you’ll get both the mindset and skillset you need to take your beauty business to the next level by becoming a specialty esthetician.

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