Do you have a no gossip policy for your spa business? Maybe you’re not sure if you need one or why you would need a no gossip policy in the first place. Has this ever happened to you? You walk into your spa first thing in the morning and hear your team members chatting and giggling. At first, you think, “Great, they’re getting along!” Until you realize that they are gossiping about another employee and saying some pretty mean things!
Your heart sinks — this is not the kind of work environment you want for your business!
Gossip is destructive to your team and your business. It breeds negativity, depletes morale, and erodes trust. Gossip also reduces your employees’ productivity.
Workplace gossip makes it hard to retain good employees because an unhealthy work environment often drives in-demand professionals away. That negative energy will trickle down to your spa clients.
It’s time to enforce a “no gossip” policy in your spa to create a positive and professional workplace.
We honor a “no gossip” pledge in our Empowered Esthetician Mastermind group. The positive energy we have fostered among the members reminds me how important it is to have such a pledge in any business Especially the beauty industry where things can get catty.
How To Implement a No Gossip Policy
A no gossip policy doesn’t need to be complicated. Here’s how to ensure a successful implementation:
Walk Your Talk
As a spa owner and leader of your team, you must set the example by practicing a no gossip policy yourself. As soon as you implement the no gossip pledge in your life, you will notice a positive energy shift. That shift impacts the people around you as well.
Enforce a No Gossip Policy
Writing up a no gossip policy can be as simple. For example, “Team members shall not talk about fellow team members or clients in a negative or destructive manner.” A policy will only work well if you enforce it in your business. Each employee must understand that gossip is not tolerated in your spa.
There are different ways to enforce this policy. For example, a written warning to an employee for the first offense and documented in their employee file. If the employee infringes upon the policy again, the second offense is punishable by termination.
No matter the consequences, make sure that the rules are enforceable. The no gossip policy should clearly communicate to your employees that they will face serious implications if they don’t comply. Then, be ready to follow through if a team member fails to follow the rules. Otherwise, you could lose your credibility and authority as a leader.
Train Team Members To Not Engage In Gossip
Gossiping is a vicious cycle, but it can only grow if your employees feed the beast. Explain why you have a no gossip pledge and reiterate the consequences of not adhering to the rules.
Teach your team members how to exercise the “no gossip policy” by not participating in gossiping. Team members should avoid speaking about someone else negatively but also refrain from listening to their co-workers gossiping.
Train your employees on how to insulate themselves from gossiping. Explain to them how it can negatively impact their wellbeing, creativity, productivity, and growth.
Help your team members understand that they don’t have to put other people down to be accepted by their peers, spa clients, or other people in their life. In fact, your team members will be more successful if they divert the energy they spend on gossiping to focus on their careers!
Eliminate Negativity in Your Spa and Your Life
It feels good to eliminate negativity in your spa, as well as your own life! Every time a rumor is spread it degrades someone’s character. Spreading rumors has a negative effect on the body and leaves a person feeling exhausted.
Imagine this happening to all the employees in your spa — not only will their productivity plummet, but the negative energy will also drive away clients!
As a spa business owner, you have the influence to create a positive impact on your employees and your clients. Foster a constructive work environment where everyone can sharpen their skills and exercise their creativity by practicing a no gossip policy.
Train your team, implement a no gossip policy, and watch your business flourish! Your team members will also blossom as individuals.
Writing up a policy is just the beginning. Be sure to take action, enforce your policies, and follow through.
The Elite VIP Coaching Program will help you grow from solo to building a team. We have ‘done for you’ manuals, templates, standard operating procedures, and agreements to shave off hours of work.