You’ve noticed the buzz about the Beauty Business Summit happening in St. Petersburg, Florida this October and you really want to go. How do you convince your boss to send you? There is a specific way to ask your boss to achieve that nod of approval by explaining the benefits first.
Follow these 5 tips to convince your boss to send you to the Beauty Business Summit and start packing your suitcase!
Since the Beauty Business Summit is held in Florida, some might think that you’re secretly planning a vacation in disguise, so you want to get your facts straight to make a compelling, yet convincing case to prove you’re not wasting time and money.
(If you are secretly planning a vacation too – don’t worry, I won’t tell.)
Focus on value, not cost
Owners tend to see the cost vs the benefits first, so you want to present the Summit as an investment. Most owners understand what an investment means. An owner will look for a measurable return that will have a direct impact on the company’s bottom line. If you returned with stellar ideas from conferences in the past, you are in good shape.
Step 1. Do your homework
Familiarize yourself with the Summit agenda and the keynote speakers as part of your homework. How can obtaining the information you receive at this summit benefit the future growth of your spa? Lay out the complete price and what’s included. Find the best airline ticket prices now to show that you’ve done your homework.
Step 2. Think like a Spa Owner
In order to approach your boss from an owner’s perspective, you must put yourself in their shoes and think like a spa owner. This is very similar to understanding your target market. How could the Beauty Business Summit investment help improve the overall business model? What areas of the business need the most help? Marketing? Developing better systems? Improving leadership? Be sure to understand the wants and needs first, before approaching your boss.
Step 3. List the benefits
List the benefits of how this summit will impact your position at the spa and benefit the company as a whole. You can present this list in a short proposal that is concise, yet effective. Listing the benefits also demonstrates that you are taking this opportunity seriously.
Some examples may be:
1. You will learn skills and proven methods from industry leaders that challenge the way you currently do business.
2. Soak up leadership skills that will inspire the entire team and ramp up sales.
3. Exposure to cutting-edge marketing strategies that will accelerate overall business growth.
Step 4. Show enthusiasm
Your energy and enthusiasm will be contagious. Be sure to show how passionate you are about learning new ideas and skills to enhance your career.
Step 5. Work extra hours
Your boss may be concerned about your time away from the business if you go to the event. Offer to work extra hours to make up for the lost time. This will serve two purposes: accommodate clients and ensure there is no lost revenue.
Not to mention, when you work extra hours, it shows that you’re a team player. Score!
Bonus tip: Offer to pay half
If your boss is on the fence and still not sure whether or not to send you to the Beauty Business Summit, offer to pay half. This will show company commitment and that you are willing to step up to the plate and invest in yourself too.
One extra tip for good measure: Pay It Forward
The Beauty Business Summit is a one-of-a-kind event that has never been executed before with a “pay it forward” philosophy. All proceeds will be gifted to a Beauty School in need. Most people love to give. Your Beauty Business Summit ticket is supporting you and making an impact in beauty school education.
The Beauty Business Summit is a two-day event designed to grow your business and enrich your life. We want to help you close the gap from where you are today to where you want to be with your business. We understand that when you gain more affluent clients you increase profits, bringing you one step closer to living your dream.
- The Beauty Business Summit is designed to challenge the way you think and operate your business.
- Close the gap from where you are today to where you want to be with your business.
- Gain more affluent clients and increase business profits.
- Discover marketing ideas to increase sales and accelerate business growth.
- Meet future partners, connect with influencers, and build lasting relationships with your peers.