Power of Intuition

Leverage the Power of Intuition For a More Fulfilling Life

Once in a while you get that “gut feeling…” maybe it feels like butterflies in your stomach or maybe it’s a tug in your belly. Do you think it’s nonsense and ignore it or could it be your intuition trying to get your attention to help you make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life? Do you follow your intuition? …

5 Tips – How To Convince Your Boss To Send You To The Beauty Business Summit

You’ve noticed the buzz about the Beauty Business Summit happening in St. Petersburg, Florida this October and you really want to go. How do you convince your boss to send you?  There is a specific way to ask your boss to achieve that nod of approval by explaining the benefits first. Follow these 5 tips to convince your boss to …

Start The New Year With Gratitude

“Where your attention goes your energy flows” – if you want to attract more abundance into your life, you need to train yourself to see the opportunities that are all around you. Starting the year off with gratitude makes people happier, healthier, and less stressed. As we enter a new year, I like to reflect back on the previous year …