Gratitude is wonderful – but giving back is even better. There is nothing more fulfilling than doing something good for someone else and expect nothing in return. One generous heart and love for the beauty industry will have a positive effect on a beauty school this year. Here’s how: The Beauty Business Summit , happening October 14th and 15th in Hawaii …
Fuel Your Beauty Business By Crafting a World Class Interior Life
We strive for success in our spa businesses… but have you taken a moment lately to define what “success” means for you and how to achieve it? Oftentimes, we measure “success” by how much money we make. Yet, income is simply the outcome of having an amazing inner life. The truth is, you can’t build an outer world that is …
Spa Owner’s Guide To Successfully Leading a Team
So, you’re ready to take the leap from being a solo practitioner to leading a team of employees. You are excited, yet nervous. You want to do it right, but you’re not sure how to do it. You might be thinking….how do I lead? Am I a leader? Once you cross that threshold of hiring employees, your business is no …
How To Stay Motivated As A Beauty Business Owner
Many spa professionals I’ve spoken with have expressed how difficult it is to stay motivated while running their beauty businesses – whether they are leading a team of service providers or work alone. When we feel inspired – we are motivated to do what it takes to improve the areas of our life. Building a business is not easy. It …
10 Reasons Attending A Beauty Business Conference Could Change Your Life
As an entrepreneur and business owner, it’s critical that we invest in our personal and business growth each year. We attend live conferences to give us a break from the daily routine to learn fresh ideas that spark our creativity and expand our current way of thinking. We love inspirational education that gives us the tools we need to grow …
Leverage the Power of Intuition For a More Fulfilling Life
Once in a while you get that “gut feeling…” maybe it feels like butterflies in your stomach or maybe it’s a tug in your belly. Do you think it’s nonsense and ignore it or could it be your intuition trying to get your attention to help you make better decisions and live a more fulfilling life? Do you follow your intuition? …
5 Tips – How To Convince Your Boss To Send You To The Beauty Business Summit
You’ve noticed the buzz about the Beauty Business Summit happening in St. Petersburg, Florida this October and you really want to go. How do you convince your boss to send you? There is a specific way to ask your boss to achieve that nod of approval by explaining the benefits first. Follow these 5 tips to convince your boss to …
Start The New Year With Gratitude
“Where your attention goes your energy flows” – if you want to attract more abundance into your life, you need to train yourself to see the opportunities that are all around you. Starting the year off with gratitude makes people happier, healthier, and less stressed. As we enter a new year, I like to reflect back on the previous year …
How To Deal With Sadness or Depression
How well do we function in our business when sadness or depression sweeps in? My husband was deployed a couple of months ago. After I dropped him off at the airport, I came home and started crying. Despite my effort to “gear up” for the moment and keep telling myself “I’ve got this,” I was deeply affected. After the reality …
Do Estheticians and Spa Owners Need High EQ?
You have probably heard of EQ, which stands for emotional quotient – also referred to as emotional intelligence or soft skills. However, many may not be aware of its important role in building an esthetician or spa business. Studies have shown that a high emotional quotient (or EQ) boosts career success, entrepreneurial potential, and leadership talent. High EQ also improves …