The beginning of a new year often means opening up to new concepts and approaches to the way you market your beauty business. It’s the time to look fresh ideas and discard what hasn’t been working with your marketing efforts… The right marketing strategy is essential for attracting ideal clients and increasing sales. Isn’t it true that the best-marketed business …
Referral Marketing For Spa Business: Stop Being The “Best-Kept Secret”
Do your clients hold back when you ask for a referral and tell you that you’re their “best-kept secret?” While there are always new strategies for business building, nothing will grow your clientele faster and stronger than referral marketing. People are 4 times more likely to make a purchase when referred by a friend and the lifetime value for a …
Your Business Values: Foundation For A Successful Spa Business
When running your own spa business, you have to juggle many things every single day. Getting clear on your business values will certainly give you a solid foundation to help you run a successful spa. It’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Or get caught up in the next latest, greatest gadget, you may find yourself a bit lost …
How To Handle Unhappy Clients Who Ask For a Refund (and other customer service issues)
If your client is unhappy with your service and asked for a refund, would you give it? How do you handle customer service situations when a client is displeased or wants their money back? If a customer wants a refund, should we give it to them (even if we have delivered exactly what we promised) or should we adhere to …
The Secret Weapon To Increasing Google Ranking For Your Beauty Business
Add another thing to your business building list. Learn how to increase your Google ranking so that new clients can find your business with ease. In a recent study, 8 out of 10 respondents said they use a search engine to look up local businesses before visiting a store or engaging with a service provider. How do you get high …
How Facebook Algorithms Changes Affect Beauty Industry Marketing
Facebook’s recent algorithm updates have many business owners on edge. As a spa owner, you’re probably wondering how this will affect your marketing and what you can do to successfully promote your beauty business on Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg’s focus for 2018 is to bring the personal element back to the platform by encouraging meaningful interactions among people. Users are expected …
Winning the Social Media Marketing Game For Your Beauty Business
Have you ever felt like your social media marketing efforts are just shouting into the void, only to hear crickets in return? In today’s digital age, the beauty and spa industry has seen a seismic shift towards online platforms. Social media has become the modern-day word-of-mouth, with over 4.9 billion users worldwide. It’s no longer just a place to share …
10 Reasons Attending A Beauty Business Conference Could Change Your Life
As an entrepreneur and business owner, it’s critical that we invest in our personal and business growth each year. We attend live conferences to give us a break from the daily routine to learn fresh ideas that spark our creativity and expand our current way of thinking. We love inspirational education that gives us the tools we need to grow …
How To Get More Clients With Yelp
Yelp remains to be a hot topic in the beauty industry – do you love it or hate it? You may wonder, is it worth the time and effort to set up your Yelp business listing? And can you get more clients by using Yelp? Why Yelp? Yelp gives you the opportunity to get more exposure to a local clientele …
5 Tips – How To Convince Your Boss To Send You To The Beauty Business Summit
You’ve noticed the buzz about the Beauty Business Summit happening in St. Petersburg, Florida this October and you really want to go. How do you convince your boss to send you? There is a specific way to ask your boss to achieve that nod of approval by explaining the benefits first. Follow these 5 tips to convince your boss to …